PB-PENTAPEPT is a platform which combines PB-PENTAdb, a database of pentapeptides from protein structures and two predictive tools (see below). It makes use of a 16-state structural alphabet, the protein blocks (see picture on the right), to characterize the local structure of a given pentapeptide in a protein structure. It also incorporates corresponding secondary structure (DSSP assignment), surface accessibility and b-factor data. Potential applications of this database are presented here as tools for the prediction of local backbone structures (PB-kPRED) and study of their observed structural variability (PB-SVindex).
The tools
- PB-PENTAdb – A tool to query the database of pentapeptides
- PB-kPRED – A tool for knowledge-based prediction of protein backbone using protein blocks
- PB-SV index – Statistical index that reports the backbone structural variability of pentapeptides as observed in protein structures
PB-PENTAPEPT was developed and is maintained by an international team lead by Bernard Offmann at University of Nantes.